Scientific name: Spinacia oleracea L.1
Varieties: Flat-leaf (includes baby spinach), savoy (curly leaf), semi-savoy2
Description: Spinach is a dark, leafy green vegetable that has many nutritional benefits.3–6 It can be consumed raw or cooked and is sold fresh (in bunches or prepackaged), canned, and frozen.
Flat-leaf spinach is the most popular variety in the United States.2 It has smooth, spade-shaped leaves, a tender texture, and a slightly sweet taste.2 Baby spinach is a type of flat-leaf spinach that is harvested early so that the leaves and stems are smaller, softer, and sweeter.2 Flat-leaf spinach is commonly used in salads and other raw preparations. This is also the variety that is often canned or frozen7 because it grows faster and is easier to clean than savoy and semi-savoy.8
Savoy spinach is also known as curly leaf spinach because of its crinkly, curly leaves.2 This variety of spinach is crisper than flat-leaf spinach and has a more bitter flavor, making it more suitable for cooking.2
Semi-savoy spinach is similar to savoy spinach in texture and taste, but its leaves are not ascrinkly.2
Spinach is a cool-weather crop that should be grown in early spring or early fall.8
Nutrients: Spinach is a good source of several important nutrients and antioxidants9 – molecules that help defend the body against harmful chemicals called free radicals10 – including vitamins A, C, and K, iron, folate, and calcium.11 It is also low in calories and high in fiber.11
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has documented that one cup of raw spinach (30 grams) contains:12
- 6.9 calories
- 0.86 grams (g) of protein
- 0.12 g of fat
- 1.09 g of total carbohydrates
- 0.66 g of fiber
- 0.13 g of sugar
- 23.7 milligrams (mg) of sodium
- 0 g of cholesterol
Key vitamins and minerals in one cup of raw spinach include:
- 145 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K (120.83% daily value)
- 141 mcg of vitamin A (15.67% DV)
- 58.2 mcg of folate (14.55% DV)
- 8.43 mg of vitamin C (9.37% DV)
- 23.7 mg of magnesium (5.64% DV)
- 0.813 mg of iron (4.52% DV)
- 167 mg of potassium (3.55% DV)
- 29.7 mg of calcium (2.28% DV)
Some of the nutrient content may be altered when it is cooked. If it is boiled in water, it may lose a significant amount of vitamin C, because vitamin C is water-soluble and will leach out into the cooking water.13 On the other hand, cooked spinach contains more beta carotene, an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body, than raw spinach.13
It is important to note, too, that spinach loses a significant amount of volume when it is cooked.- Two pounds of raw spinach will reduce to about three cups cooked.2 Therefore, the amount of spinach consumed is generally much greater when it is eaten cooked, and the increase in quantity consumed may compensate for any nutrient loss that occurs during cooking.13
Geographic origin: Spinach is thought to have originated in ancient Persia (Iran)14 more than 2,000 years ago.8 At some point, it was introduced to India, but it is unclear when and how.15 The earliest written account of spinach is in Chinese, stating that the vegetable was introduced to China around 647 AD.15 In the 11th century, Arabs introduced spinach to Spain, and it became widespread throughout Europe by the 14th century.8 In the early 19th century, American colonists introduced spinach to North America.16
Today, 98 percent of spinach sold commercially in the US is grown in California, Arizona, New Jersey, and Texas.17
History of use as medicine: There is limited documentation regarding the uses of spinach for medicinal purposes prior to the 19th century.
In 1870, the German chemist Erich von Wolf was researching the iron content of various green vegetables and misplaced a decimal point when recording the amount in spinach. While it actually has 3.5 milligrams of iron in a 100-gram serving, von Wolf accidentally wrote that there were 35 milligrams, leading people to believe that spinach had 10 times more iron than it actually did.18 During World War I, some sources19–21 say that soldiers were given red wine mixed with spinach juices to heal hemorrhaging wounds, likely because of the belief that its supposed high-iron content could replace the iron lost from blood. In the 1920s, cartoonist Elzie Crisler Segar was developing the character Popeye for a comic strip and decided that his super-strength would come from spinach.18 It was not until 1937 that somebody realized von Wolf’s error, but in spite of the fact that its nutrient profile was corrected and publicized, spinach maintained its reputation as a powerful source of iron.18
Current Uses and Scientific Literature Review: Spinach consumption has many health benefits that result from its many essential nutrients, including vitamins K, A, and C, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium, as well as the antioxidants beta-carotene,22 lutein,23 and zeaxanthin.24 Research has shown that spinach and/or its nutritional components may have value for bone health, cancer treatment, cardiovascular health, diabetes management, digestive health, eye health, and weight management.
Note: Before reviewing the literature, it is important to note that many peer-reviewed studies may be biased because of industry-funded research to promote product sales, and a conflict of interest is not always disclosed (see information from biologist and nutritionist Marion Nestle on sponsored research here). In this article, we have done our best not to include any industry-funded studies. As discussed in the Food as Medicine Report (on page 158, specifically), there is a need for more government funding for food as medicine initiatives.
Bone Health
Animal studies using spinach extracts to treat and prevent bone loss and cartilage damage have shown promising results. More research is needed to determine whether humans would derive the same benefits from dietary consumption of whole spinach leaves.
- Prevention of Cartilage Damage (animal study): Kothari et al (2020)25 used a spinach extract on a rat model of osteoarthritis26 to determine if and how it would protect against joint damage. After four weeks, rats that received the spinach extract had better-looking joints, with thicker and shinier cartilage, compared to the rats that did not receive the extract. Osteoarthritis generally produces the loss of a substance in cartilage called proteoglycan,27 but this loss was prevented in the rats that received the spinach extract.
- Bone Protection in Osteoarthritis (animal study): Choudhary et al (2018)28 simulated osteoarthritis in rats’ knee joints, then fed the rats a spinach extract for 28 days. Tests showed that the spinach extract increased the rats’ bone volume, reduced inflammation, and improved mobility and balance.
- Osteopenia Protection (animal study): Adhikary et al (2017)29 also studied the effects of a spinach extract on rats with ovaries removed, mimicking osteopenic (low bone mineral density) conditions. The extract not only prevented bone loss but also facilitated the healing of bone fractures.
Cancer Treatment
Certain compounds in spinach, including lutein and glycolipids, have demonstrated beneficial effects in the treatment of breast, pancreatic, and colon cancers.
- Dietary Spinach and Colon Cancer Treatment (animal studies): Chen et al (2021)30 investigated how dietary spinach might prevent or treat colon cancer. They worked with rats that had a condition making them prone to developing growths called polyps in the colon. The rats were fed spinach for 26 weeks, from age 4 weeks to age 30 weeks, and, as a result, the growth of tumors was significantly reduced compared to a control group.
- Parasramka et al (2012)31 fed spinach to rats with colon tumors and observed a tumor-suppressive effect. A particular family of microRNA32 molecules that is typically disrupted in colon cancer and leads to tumor recurrence and reduced patient survival rates, was partially normalized after the rats consumed spinach. These findings suggest that spinach consumption may have beneficial effects for preventing and treating colon cancer.
- Maeda et al (2008)33 extracted a group of substances called glycolipids from spinach and fed it to mice with cancerous colon tumors. After the mice took the glycolipids orally for two weeks, their tumor sizes were reduced by 56 percent with no negative side effects. A previous study from the same researchers as above (published as Kuriyama et al (2005)34) showed that, among eight vegetables containing glycolipids, spinach was most able to reduce the growth and spread of human cancer cells. Matsubara et al (2005)35 came to similar conclusions that glycolipids from spinach can suppress tumor growth by inhibiting angiogenesis,36 the formation of new blood vessels.
- Breast Cancer Treatment (lab study): Kavalappa et al (2021)37 examined the effects of lutein, an antioxidant found abundantly in spinach, on breast cancer cells. Lutein appeared to decrease the production of proteins that work against antioxidants and enhance cancer cell survival and growth. This means that lutein inhibited the survival and spread of cancer cells and promoted cancer cell death (apoptosis).
- Pancreatic Cancer Treatment (lab and animal study): Akasaka et al (2016)38 extracted a substance called monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG), a type of glycolipid, from dried spinach and studied its effects on pancreatic cancer cells in vitro, alone or in combination with radiation therapy. They further assessed the substance’s effects on tumor growth in a mouse model. Radiation therapy in combination with MGDG from spinach slowed the growth of cancer cells and increased cell death more than either treatment by itself, in both the lab study and the mouse model.
Cardiovascular Health
There is limited research concerning the impact of spinach on heart health. However, components of spinach, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, nitrates, and glycolipids, have been studied for their cardiovascular benefits. The following studies provide promising evidence assessing the value of spinach consumption for heart health, but more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions.
- Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium and Cardiovascular Disease (observational): A one-cup serving of raw spinach contains 167 mg of potassium, 24 mg of magnesium, and 30 mg of calcium.12 Pickering et al (2021)39 explored the relationship between intake of dietary, potassium, magnesium, and calcium and cardiovascular disease in an observational study of 2,362 adult men. Consumption of at least 3,000 mg of potassium per day (compared to less than 2,500mg) was associated with a 25 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Magnesium intake of at least 320 mg per day (compared to less than 240 mg) was associated with a 34 percent lower risk, and daily calcium intake of at least 700 mg (compared to less than 500 mg) reduced cardiovascular disease risk by 19 percent. Because spinach contains potassium, magnesium, and calcium, eating it regularly may contribute to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Glycolipids and Blood Vessel Inflammation (lab study): Ishii et al (2017)40 examined how glycolipids from spinach affect human endothelial cells (the cells lining blood vessels). The glycolipids boosted the production of nitric oxide, which has protective effects on blood vessels, and saw significantly reduced inflammation in these cells, suggesting a potential treatment option for diseases involving inflammation of blood vessels.
- Dietary Nitrate and Blood Pressure Management (interventional): Nitrates41 are compounds found naturally in the human body and in various foods as well as in medications that treat chest pain (angina). Because spinach has a high nitrate content, Jovanovski et al (2015)42 studied 27 healthy adults who consumed either high-nitrate (spinach) or low-nitrate (asparagus) soup daily for one week and observed outcomes related to blood pressure. The participants who ate the high-nitrate spinach soup had a reduction in arterial stiffness and blood pressure compared to the asparagus group, indicating that spinach consumption could have benefits for blood pressure control.
Diabetes Management
In animal studies, extracts from spinach have been shown to positively affect the treatment of diabetes symptoms and complications.
- Spinach Extract and Diabetic Ulcers (animal study): Diabetic ulcers43 are open skin wounds, usually on the feet, resulting from complications of high blood sugar levels. Rahati et al (2023, 2015)44,45 used a diabetic rat model to examine the use of spinach extract for healing ulcers and improving symptoms. Compared to untreated diabetic mice, those treated with spinach extract had significantly faster and better healing of their ulcers, as well as improvements in blood vessel growth, blood glucose levels, and weight loss. The extract also had a protective effect and more pronounced improvements when given to the mice both before and after the onset of the disease and wound infliction.
- Phenolic Compounds and Diabetes (animal study): Mehmood et al (2023)46 explored the effects of plant components called phenolic compounds47 from spinach, mustard, and cabbage on diabetic mice. Phenolic-rich extracts from these leafy vegetables significantly improved body weight, liver and kidney function, and fasting blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in mice with diabetes. Therefore, these compounds show potential for managing diabetes.
- Spinach Flavonoids and Diabetic Complications (animal study): Gutierrez and Velazquez (2020)48 isolated ten natural and beneficial compounds called flavonoids49 from spinach and used a zebrafish model of diabetes to study their impact. The spinach flavonoids inhibited the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs),50 which are commonly developed in individuals with diabetes and may contribute to diabetic complications such as retinopathy (blindness), nephropathy (kidney disease), neuropathy (nerve damage), and cardiomyopathy (heart failure).
- Spinach Extract and Metabolic Syndrome (animal study): Panda et al (2017)51 evaluated the impact of spinach extract on metabolic syndrome52 – a group of symptoms associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes – in rats. For 45 days, a variety of treatments were tested, including the spinach extract, a standard drug treatment, aerobic exercise, and a combination of spinach extract and aerobic exercise. The combination treatment produced the greatest reduction in insulin resistance and improved glucose tolerance, indicating that spinach consumption combined with exercise may be an effective, drug-free treatment for metabolic syndrome.
Digestive Health
As with most dark, leafy greens and other vegetables, spinach contains a lot of fiber,12 which helps promote regular bowel movements and serves as food for the good bacteria in the gut (gut microbiota).
- Dietary Spinach and Gut Bacteria (animal study): Chen et al (2021)’s30 study of dietary spinach and colon cancer prevention in rats (described above) also revealed that the diversity of gut bacteria, an important marker for digestive and overall health, increased when the rats ate spinach.
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Spinach, and Gut Microbiota (animal study): Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)53 is a condition in which fat builds up in the liver and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. The disease is common in individuals who are overweight or obese.53 Changes in gut microbiota influence the severity of NAFLD.54 Elvira-Torales et al (2019)55 used a rat model to study how various dietary patterns, with or without spinach, affect gut bacteria and NAFLD. Rats fed a high-fat diet for five weeks developed NAFLD and unhealthy levels of fat in their blood. However, rats that were fed the same high-fat diet with the addition of spinach had increased good bacteria (Lactobacillus) counts, lower cholesterol levels, and overall improved biomarkers. These findings suggest that including spinach in the diet helps to boost the good bacteria in the gut, which, in turn, can improve other health markers as well.
- Thylakoids and Gut Bacteria (animal study): Thylakoids56 are parts of chloroplasts,57 which are found in the cells of green plants. Montelius et al (2013)58 looked at the effects of dietary thylakoids from spinach on gut bacteria in rats. Rats fed a thylakoid diet for 10 days had an increase in a specific type of good bacteria, Lactobacillus reuteri, in the lower part of the small intestine, but not anywhere else in the digestive tract, and a decrease in harmful bacteria. There was no difference in the amount of bifidobacteria, another type of beneficial bacteria, between the thylakoid-fed and control rats.
Eye Health
Spinach contains the carotenoids59 (antioxidants found in plants) lutein and zeaxanthin, which can treat or prevent eye diseases and vision problems.
- Dietary Lutein and Risk of Age-related Macular Degeneration (observational): Jiang et al (2023)60 interviewed 260 individuals with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)61 (an eye disease that causes vision problems), and 260 controls without the condition, about their dietary intake. Higher intakes of egg and spinach, which are both significant sources of a vitamin called lutein, were associated with a much lower risk of AMD. Spinach may be beneficial for preventing vision loss from AMD due to its high content of lutein.
- Spinach Extract and Diabetes-related Retina Damage (animal study): Bautista-Perez et al (2021)62 studied the retinas (part of the eye) of diabetic rats that were treated with a spinach extract. The extract reduced oxidative stress,9 inflammation, and cell death in the retina, meaning that it helped to reduce retinal damage in diabetic rats.
- Carotenoid and Vitamin A Consumption and Cataracts (observational): Brown et al (1999)63 and Chasan-Taber et al (1999)64 investigated the food intakes of 36,644 men and 77,466 women over eight years (men) and 12 years (women). Men and women who ate more of the compounds lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly from broccoli and spinach (men) or spinach and kale (women), had lower risks of cataracts65 – a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that can cause blurred vision or other sight problems.
Weight Management
Research has shown that compounds called thylakoids,56 which are present in leafy green vegetables like spinach, may help increase satiety and decrease appetite.
- Thylakoids and Obesity (interventional): Tabrizi et al (2020)66 studied 48 obese women who were on a restricted-calorie diet. For 12 weeks, the participants received either 5g thylakoids per day or a placebo. Compared to the placebo group, those who received thylakoids had significant decreases in weight, waist circumference, body fat, and insulin levels. These findings indicate that thylakoid intake, from spinach or other leafy greens, may be helpful for those trying to lose or manage their weight.
- Thylakoids and Weight (review): Amirinejad et al (2019)67 reviewed the human literature on thylakoids from spinach and other green leafy vegetables and their relationship to appetite and weight. The eight studies they analyzed came to similar conclusions that thylakoid-rich meals increase satiety and reduce appetite, although there were mixed results regarding weight loss. However, the fact that the thylakoids present in spinach seem to reduce appetite suggests that spinach consumption may be beneficial for individuals who are trying to manage their food intake.
- Thylakoids, Gut Bacteria, and Appetite (animal study): Montelius et al (2013)’s58 study of thylakoids in rats (described above) showed that the increase in the bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri in rats fed a high-thylakoid (spinach) diet generated a reduction in appetite, decreased food intake, and lowered body weight and body fat percentages compared to control mice.
Potential Negative Effects: Spinach contains high levels of oxalate, or oxalic acid, which is a naturally-occurring plant compound that can have detrimental effects on human health.68,69 One cup of raw spinach contains 656 milligrams of oxalate and a half-cup serving of cooked spinach contains 755 milligrams.69 Oxalate is considered an antinutrient because it blocks the absorption of essential nutrients, including calcium, sodium, iron, and zinc, in the human body.70 It can also create crystals in urine that stick together and form a solid mass known as kidney stones.71 To reduce the risk of kidney stones from high oxalate intake, it is beneficial to eat calcium-rich foods like cheese or milk along with spinach (or other high-oxalate foods) in a meal.71
Individuals who take blood-thinning medications may need to limit their spinach intake.72 Spinach contains a large amount of vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting and, therefore, may counteract the effects of blood-thinners.
As with most fruits and vegetables, there is a potential for contamination with bacteria like E. coli when spinach is eaten raw.73,74 While leafy greens are at the greatest risk of contamination74 compared to other fruits and vegetables, the risk of getting sick from spinach remains low.74
Because of its high fiber content, when spinach is eaten in large quantities, especially when raw, it may produce gas, bloating, and cramping.75
Cooking tips: When buying fresh spinach, whether in bunches or pre-washed and packaged, look for leaves that are crisp and dark green, and avoid any that are yellow, limp, wilted, or slimy.2 Always check the expiration or “best by” date on packaged spinach as well.2
Even pre-washed spinach may contain dirt or sand, so it is recommended to rinse the leaves thoroughly before consuming.2 Fresh spinach should be wrapped in a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture and stored in a sealed container or bag in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.76 Cooked spinach will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for three to five days.76
To cook spinach, avoid using pots or pans with aluminum interiors, because this will cause the spinach to become discolored.2 When spinach is boiled in water, it loses heat-sensitive, water-soluble nutrients, such as vitamin C, that leach out into the water.13 To retain the vegetable’s nutrients, steaming, microwaving, or sauteing may be the best cooking methods.13
When cooked spinach or thawed frozen spinach is used as an ingredient in other recipes, such as quiches or casseroles, it is important to squeeze the excess moisture out of the leaves with a kitchen towel to avoid making the final product too watery.2
- Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Spinach (Produce for Better Health)
- Best-Ever Spinach Egg Muffins (Yummy Toddler Food)
- Crustless Spinach Quiche (Allrecipes)
- Green Eggs and Ham (Bon Appetit)
- Spinach and Feta Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust (EatingWell)
- Sweet Spinach Muffins with Banana (Yummy Toddler Food)
Dips and Sauces
- Baked Spinach Artichoke Dip (Delish)
- Best Spinach Dip Ever (Allrecipes)
- Spinach Basil Pesto (Allrecipes)
- Creamed Spinach Stuffed Salmon (Delish)
- Salmon Rice Bowl with Green Curry Creamed Spinach (Bon Appetit)
- Fish Florentine (Skinny Taste)
- Creamy Spinach Orzo (EatingWell)
- Green Goddess Mac and Cheese (Simply Recipes)
- Ramen Noodles with Miso Pesto (Bon Appetit)
- Spaghetti and Spinach Pesto (MyPlate)
- Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breast (Delish)
- Creamy Garlic Skillet Chicken with Spinach (EatingWell)
- Apple Spinach Salad (Gimme Some Oven)
- Chinese Spinach Salad with Peanuts (Omnivore’s Cookbook)
- Easy Spinach Salad with Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette (Eating Bird Food)
- Spinach and Strawberry Salad (Allrecipes)
- Spinach Salad with Eggs and Apples (MyPlate)
- Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing (Once Upon a Chef)
- Creamed Spinach (Simply Recipes)
- Garlic Sauteed Spinach (Food Network)
- Spinach Mashed Potatoes (Allrecipes)
- Stir-fried Spinach with Garlic (The Spruce Eats)
- Vegan Creamed Spinach (Bon Appetit)
- Best Green Smoothie (Downshiftology)
- Green Breakfast Smoothie (BBC Good Food)
- Strawberry Spinach Smoothie (Well Plated by Erin)
- Easy Spinach Soup (Allrecipes)
- Spinach Soup (Food Network)
- Tofu, Tomato, and Spinach Soup (MyPlate)
Vegetarian Meals
- 30-Minute Aloo Palak (Spinach and Potato Curry) (Tea for Turmeric)
- Chickpeas and Spinach Saute (MyPlate)
- Daal Palak (Lentil and Spinach Curry) (Simply Recipes)
- Saag Paneer, But With Feta (Bon Appetit)
Learn More
Online Medical Websites:
- Health benefits and nutritional value of spinach3 (MedicalNewsToday)
- “The possible health benefits of consuming spinach include improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering the risk of cancer, and improving bone health.”
- Health benefits of spinach77 (WebMD)
- “Spinach is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a great staple to add to your diet.”
- Is Eating Spinach Every Day Good for You? Benefits & Side Effects78 (MedicineNet)
- “This vegetable helps in reducing the risks of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and cancer. Spinach is also good for the skin, hair, and eyesight.”
- Spinach 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits79 (Healthline)
- “Spinach is extremely healthy and linked to numerous health benefits.”
- Top 5 Health Benefits of Spinach4 (BBC Good Food)
- “Spinach has long been regarded as a plant which can restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood.”
- What Are the Health Benefits of Spinach?6 (Health)
- “For the best results, mix up how you consume spinach—some raw, some cooked—but avoid overcooking your leafy green vegetables.”
- Spinach Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits80 (VeryWell Fit)
- “This leafy green vegetable offers a nutritious punch without adding any fat or natural sugars to your diet.”
Informational Websites:
- 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Spinach81 (EatingWell)
- Colorado Spinach82 (FoodSmart Colorado)
- How to Cook Spinach in Minutes to Make Eating Greens Easier83 (Better Homes and Gardens)
- Spinach84 (Almanac)
- Spinach2 (Bon Appetit)
- Spinach85 (UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture)
- Spinach Basics7 (Food Hero)
- Spinach, Spinacia oleracea8 (Wisconsin Horticulture)
- Spinacia oleracea86 (NC State University)
News Stories:
- Spinach could accelerate the healing of diabetic ulcers, study says87 (September 21, 2023 – CBS News Boston)
- The benefits of planting spinach and arugula side by side88 (September 20, 2023 – House Digest)
- A Detroit-area woman bought a package of spinach and a live frog was inside89 (August 11, 2023 – NPR)
- 6 Impressive Health Benefits of Spinach, the Original Favorite Super-Green90 (August 3, 2023 – Real Simple)
- What Makes Spinach So Healthy?91 (June 6, 2023 – VeryWell Health)
- Spinach vs. Arugula: Which Leafy Green Should You Choose?92 (May 2, 2023 – The Daily Meal)
- Could Nuts & Spinach Be Your Ticket to a Younger Brain?93 (April 24, 2023 – Eat This, Not That!)
- 12 Mistakes To Avoid When Cooking Spinach94 (March 29, 2023 – The Daily Meal)
- Strawberries, blueberries, spinach make 2023 “Dirty Dozen” list95 (March 15, 2023 – CBS News Miami)
- The Best Type of Spinach for Lasagna96 (March 6, 2023 – The Tasting Table)
- How Can Tainted Spinach Cause Hallucinations?97 (December 18, 2022 – The New York Times)
- Recall extended over spinach contamination caused by leafy green ‘weed’ on Victorian farm98 (December 18, 2022 – The Guardian)
- Top 4 Health Benefits of Spinach5 (January, 2022 – Humana)
- E. coli Outbreak Linked to Baby Spinach73 (January 6, 2022 – CDC)
- Rhapsody in green: 17 exquisite ways with spinach99 (March 10, 2021 – The Guardian)
- Chopped, uncooked spinach offers more antioxidants100 (Harvard Medical School)
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
- Comparative Assessment of Hydroponic and Geoponic Cultivation Systems for Sustainable Spinach Cultivation101 (December 2021 – Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research)
- Life Cycle Assessment of Spinach Produced in Central and Southern Italy102 (September 7, 2021 – Sustainability)
- Comparison of soil and hydroponic cultivation systems for spinach irrigated with brackish water103 (December 15, 2020 – Scientia Horticulturae)
- On the origin and dispersal of cultivated spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)104 (October 20, 2020 – Genetic Resources and Crop Evaluation)
- A review on the genetic resources, domestication and breeding history of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)105 (February 27, 2020 – Euphytica)
- Nutritional characterization and food value addition properties of dehydrated spinach powder106 (January 7, 2021 – Food Science & Nutrition)
- A systematic analysis of the overall nutritional contribution of food loss and waste in tomatoes, spinach, and kidney beans as a function of processing107 (September 21, 2020 – Journal of Food Process Engineering)
- Nutritional components in green leafy vegetables: A review108 (2020 – Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry)
- Responses of Spinach to Salinity and Nutrient Deficiency in Growth, Physiology, and Nutritional Value109 (January 2016 – Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science)
- Nutritional Value of Spinacia Olearacea – An Overview110 (2016 – International Journal of Life Sciences and Review)
- Effect of various minimal processing treatments on quality characteristics and nutritional value of spinach111 (2015 – Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences)
Oxalate Content
- High and low oxalate content in spinach: an investigation of accumulation patterns112 (July 7, 2021 – Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture)
- Dietary Oxalate Intake and Kidney Outcomes113 (September 2, 2020 – Nutrients)
- Changes in Oxalate, Nitrate, and Lutein Contents in Whole and Cut Spinach Boiled with Different Additives114 (July 2019 – Food Science and Technology Research)
- Diversity of nitrate, oxalate, vitamin C and carotenoid contents in different spinach accessions and their correlation with various morphological traits115 (December 5, 2017 – The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology)
- Association analysis for oxalate concentration in spinach116 (July 1, 2016 – Euphytica)
Treatment: Overview
- Spinach66 (2020 – Nutritional Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Fruits and Vegetables, Chapter 11)
- Spinacia oleracea Linn Considered as One of the Most Perfect Foods: A Pharmacological and Phytochemical Review48 (2019 – Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry)
- Functional properties of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) phytochemicals and bioactives118 (June 22, 2016 – Food & Function)
Treatment: Antioxidants
- Impact of spinach consumption on DNA stability in peripheral lymphocytes and on biochemical blood parameters: results of a human intervention trial119 (March 9, 2011 – European Journal of Nutrition)
- Lutein protects dopaminergic neurons against MPTP-induced apoptotic death and motor dysfunction by ameliorating mitochondrial disruption and oxidative stress120 (July 2016 – Nutritional Neuroscience)
Treatment: Bone Health
- Inhibition of cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone deterioration by Spinacia oleracea in human mimic of ACLT-induced osteoarthritis25 (September 23, 2020 – Food & Function)
- Spinacia oleracea extract attenuates disease progression and sub-chondral bone changes in monosodium iodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis in rats 28(February 20, 2018 – BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies)
- Dried and free flowing granules of Spinacia oleracea accelerate bone regeneration and alleviate postmenopausal osteoporosis29 (June 2017 – Menopause)
Treatment: Cancer
- Anticancer Properties of Kaempferol on Cellular Signaling Pathways121 (2022 – Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry)
- Lutein inhibits breast cancer cell growth by suppressing antioxidant and cell survival signals and induces apoptosis37 (March 2021 – Journal of Cellular Physiology)
- Micronutrients in Preventing Cancer: A Critical Review of Research122 (October 1, 2020 – Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology)
- MGDG extracted from spinach enhances the cytotoxicity of radiation in pancreatic cancer cells38 (November 22, 2016 – Radiation Oncology)
- MicroRNA profiling of carcinogen-induced rat colon tumors and the influence of dietary spinach31 (August 2012 – Molecular Nutrition and Food Research)
- Anti-tumor effect of orally administered spinach glycolipid fraction on implanted cancer cells, colon-26, in mice33 (August 2008 – Lipids)
- Inhibitory effects of glycolipids fraction from spinach on mammalian DNA polymerase activity and human cancer cell proliferation34 (October 2005 – Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry)
- Inhibitory effect of glycolipids from spinach on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis35 (July 2005 – Oncology Reports)
- Green vegetables, red meat and colon cancer: chlorophyll prevents the cytotoxic and hyperproliferative effects of haem in rat colon123 (February 2005 – Carcinogenesis)
Treatment: Cardiovascular Health
- Glycolipids from spinach suppress LPS-induced vascular inflammation through eNOS and NK-κB signaling40 (July 2017 – Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy)
- Effect of Spinach, a High Dietary Nitrate Source, on Arterial Stiffness and Related Hemodynamic Measures: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Healthy Adults42 (July 2015 – Clinical Nutrition Research)
Treatment: Diabetes Management
- Accelerated wound healing induced by spinach extract in experimental model diabetic rats with streptozotocin44 (September 11, 2023 – Scientific Reports)
- In vivo antidiabetic effects of phenolic compounds of spinach, mustard, and cabbage leaves in mice46 (May 27, 2023 – Heliyon)
- Cinnamic acid as a dietary antioxidant in diabetes treatment124 (2020 – Diabetes (Second Edition) Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants, Chapter 23)
- Glucopyranoside flavonoids isolated from leaves of Spinacia oleracea (spinach) inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and aldose reductase activity (RLAR)125 (August 2020 – Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy)
- Green leafy and cruciferous vegetable consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from the Singapore Chinese Health Study and meta-analysis126 (May 14, 2018 – British Journal of Nutrition)
- Amelioration of Abnormalities Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome by Spinacia oleracea (Spinach) Consumption and Aerobic Exercise in Rats51 (July 16, 2017 – Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity)
- Effect of spinach aqueous extract on wound healing in experimental model diabetic rats with streptozotocin45 (July 23, 2015 – Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture)
Treatment: Digestive Health
- Dietary spinach reshapes the gut microbiome in an Apc-mutant genetic background: mechanistic insights from integrated multi-omics30 (September 8, 2021 – Gut Microbes)
- Feeding spinach thylakoids to rats modulates the gut microbiota, decreases food intake and affects the insulin response58 (July 24, 2013 – Journal of Nutritional Science)
Treatment: Eye Health
- Dietary vitamins, carotenoids and their sources in relation to age-related macular degeneration risk in China: a population-based case-control study60 (May 28, 2023 – British Journal of Nutrition)
- Spinach Methanolic Extract Attenuates the Retinal Degeneration in Diabetic Rats62 (May 3, 2021 – Antioxidants)
- A prospective study of carotenoid intake and risk of cataract extraction in US men63 (October 1999 – The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)
- A prospective study of carotenoid and vitamin A intakes and risk of cataract extraction in US women64 (October 1999 – The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)
Treatment: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- The effects of hydroalcoholic extract of spinach on prevention and treatment of some metabolic and histologic features in a rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease67 (March 15, 2020 – Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture)
- Spinach consumption ameliorates the gut microbiota and dislipaemia in rats with diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 55(April 17, 2019 – Food & Function)
Treatment: Weight Management
- The effects of spinach-derived thylakoid supplementation in combination with calorie restriction on anthropometric parameters and metabolic profiles in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial66 (August 11, 2020 – Nutrition Journal)
- Effects of thylakoid intake on appetite and weight loss: a systematic review127 (December 13, 2019 – Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders)
- 365 Delicious Spinach Recipes (August 13, 2020)
- Superfoods Spinach Recipes (March 7, 2020)
- The Spinach in My Teeth (November 29, 2019)
- Spinach Lovers (May 15, 2019)
- Spinach Smoothies for Diabetics (December 30, 2017)
- Easy Spinach Cookbook (November 7, 2015)
- Sylvia’s Spinach (October 7, 2014)
- Top 50 Most Delicious Spinach Recipes (March 21, 2014)
- 50 Spinach Recipes (September 4, 2013)
- Produce Pete: Preparing Spinach (April 2, 2023 – NBC New York)
- 11 Ideas for Using Spinach (April 21, 2021 – Michigan State University)
- Spring Awakening: Spinach and Chives (April 11, 2023 – Arthur Schwartz the Food Maven)
- That’s Not Popeye’s Spinach! (January 4, 2023 – Dose Makes The Poison: The Toxcast)
- Spinach (November 8, 2022 – Recipe Club)
- Spinach: Isn’t It Ironic? (January 19, 2022 – Savor)
- How Spinach Keeps Your Teeth Healthy (November 12, 2020 – The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee)
- Tips to Grow High-Quality Spinach (October 12, 2019 – The Beet: A Podcast for Plant Lovers)
- Part 37 – Sally Norton, MPH on Oxalates, Plants Hurting Your Health, and Never Eating Spinach Again (April 18, 2019 – Peak Human)
Social Media:
- 30-minute sun-dried tomato pasta with spinach (September 7, 2023 by @saltandlavender)
- Chili eggs, spinach, and feta flatbread (August 31, 2023 by @recipebreakout)
- Nigerian efo riro stew (August 30, 2023 by @veganezer)
- Heart healthy salad (August 29, 2023 by @family_savvy)
- Spinach and tomato dahl (August 20, 2023 by @vegan.healthy.foodies)
- Smoothie bombs (October 21, 2021 by @veganbarrel)
- Crustless sausage and spinach quiche (November 1, 2020 by @skinnytaste)
- Super green pesto pasta (August 27, 2020 by @thrivingonplants)
- Spinach for baby’s sleep (August 21, 2023 by @alvarezfam)
- Green juice recipe (July 13, 2023 by @biancakoyabe)
- High protein zucchini spinach fritters (July 12, 2023 by @nourish_naturally)
- Joke about spinach shrinking when cooked (June 29, 2023 by @the_mannii)
- Creamed spinach (May 16, 2023 by @cheysingh)
- Doctor weighs in on spinach, oxalates, and kidney stones (May 14, 2023 by @dr_idz)
- Don’t squeeze your spinach out (March 28, 2023 by @masterclass)
- Harvesting spinach in Italy (March 27, 2023 by @chzman00)
- Strawberries and spinach are companion plants (March 23, 2023 by @chassstastic)
- How to make spinach powder (February 16, 2023 by @creative_explained)
- Creamy spinach chicken (January 5, 2023 by @gettingrubby_)
- Chicken pasta with spinach (September 16, 2022 by @cassie)
- Spinach lasagna (August 9, 2022 by @andy_cooks)
- Spinach feta grilled cheese (June 9, 2022 by @djaamila)
- Homemade spinach wrap (March 9, 2022 by @dininwithjas)
- Korean spinach side dish (February 10, 2022 by @cj.eats)
- Spinach pasta hack (February 6, 2022 by @healthykel)
- World’s oldest woman said milk and spinach were key to long life (March 13, 2023 by @africafactszone)
- Shrimp Spinach Dip (April 10, 2022 by @chefbleuprint)
- Mistakes People Make When Cooking Spinach (June 20, 2022 by @mashed)
- No More Overcooked Spinach | My Preferred Method For Making Delicious Spinach (May 19, 2021 by @thatdudecancook)
- How to grow spinach in a new style at home (March 19, 2021 by @dhdgarden)
- 10 Minutes Korean Spinach Salad 2 Ways (Sigumchi Namul) (February 23, 2021 by @tiffycooks)
- 15 Things That Will Happen To Your Body If You Eat Spinach Every Day (January 31, 2021 by @bestiehealth)
- How to Grow Spinach for Beginners! (April 27, 2020 by @gardenanswer)
Search Terms
- Spinach and health (Google)
- Spinach health benefits (Google)
- Spinach nutrition (Google)
- “Spinach” and “medicinal uses” (Google Scholar)
- Spinach history (Google)
- Spinach cultivation (Google Scholar)
- Spinach nutrients (Google Scholar)
- Spinach oxalate, filter = since 2015 (Google Scholar)
- Spinach, diabetes, filter = since 2015 (Google Scholar)
- Dark leafy greens, diabetes, filter = since 2015 (Google Scholar)
- Spinach, cancer treatment, filter = since 2015 (Google Scholar)
- (Spinach) AND (digestive health) (PubMed)
- (Spinach) AND (cancer) (PubMed)
- (Spinach) AND (diabetes) (PubMed)
- (Spinach) AND (heart health) (PubMed)
- (spinach) AND (bone health) (PubMed)
- (spinach) AND (eye health) (PubMed)
- (spinach gut microbiota) (PubMed)
15. Thakur BS. Spinach. In: Vegetable Crop Science. CRC Press; 2017.
126. Chen GC, Koh WP, Yuan JM, Qin LQ, Dam RM van. Green leafy and cruciferous vegetable consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from the Singapore Chinese Health Study and meta-analysis. Br J Nutr. 2018;119(9):1057-1067. doi:10.1017/S0007114518000119127. Amirinejad A, Heshmati J, Shidfar F. Effects of thylakoid intake on appetite and weight loss: a systematic review. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2020;19(1):565-573. doi:10.1007/s40200-019-00443-w