What they do: FoodShare SC, is partnering with the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA), the University of South Carolina, Diabetes Free SC, and the South Carolina Office of Rural Health to study the health impact of a produce prescription program, VeggieRx, on patients with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Patients in four South Carolina counties will be eligible to participate if they are at least 18 years old, have pre-diabetes or diabetes, and are eligible for SNAP or Medicare. Twice a month for six months, participants will receive boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables with recipe cards and additional resources. The program will begin in April 2023 and run through September 2024.
Patients may also opt into an evaluation component of the program conducted by USC. The evaluation will include completing a qualitative survey prior to starting the program and another at the end of six months, as well as allowing their doctor to take their A1C, blood pressure, height, and weight before and after the program. USC uses the data they receive to measure the program’s success.
How they do it: Medical staff at Tidelands Health System, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Union Medical Center, and Medical University of South Carolina Black River will refer diabetic or pre-diabetic patients to VeggieRx for six months and a prescription will be sent electronically to the local FoodShare hub. A VeggieRx coordinator from the local FoodShare hub will contact the referred patients and make sure they have access to transportation to pick up their boxes at their local FoodShare county hub. Once the referral is processed, patients will begin receiving their boxes twice per month.
Mission: To improve food security by bridging the gap between healthcare and local food systems.
Major Funding: USDA’s Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) Produce Prescription Program, awarded to the SC Hospital Association Foundation, a non-profit division of SCHA
Profit/nonprofit: Nonprofit
Annual Budget: $250,000
Interesting fact about how it is working to positively affect health: The program is part of the SCHA Foundation’s commitment to reducing health disparities. It is an expansion of FoodShare SC’s VeggieRx-Clinical Integration model.
Georgetown County FoodShare Hub
Carolina Human Reinvestment
622 Washington St
Georgetown, SC 29440-2654
Tidelands Health System
Spartanburg County FoodShare Hub
Ruth’s Gleanings
147 Chapel St
Spartanburg, SC 29303-2935
Spartanburg Regional Health System
Union County FoodShare Hub
106 Lakeside Dr
Union, SC 29379-1939
Union Medical Center
Williamsburg County FoodShare Hub
CMD’S Pantry
2229 Sumter Hwy
Kingstree, SC 29556-5341
MUSC Black River
Core Programs: Produce prescription program
Number of staff: varies for each local FoodShare hub
Number of volunteers: varies for each local FoodShare hub
Areas served: Georgetown, Spartanburg, Union, and Williamsburg Counties, South Carolina
Year Started: 2023
Project Director: Diana Zona, Executive Director, SCHA Foundation
Contact Information: Email: dzona@scha.org
Learn More:
- FoodShare VeggieRx (FoodShare)
- SCHA Foundation Awarded $500K Grant from USDA for Produce Prescription Program to Combat Diabetes (South Carolina Hospital Association)
- USDA Grant will Support FoodShare’s Veggie Rx Program for Patients Diagnosed with Prediabetes or Diabetes (FoodShare SC)
- USDA Invests $1 Million in Two South Carolina Healthy Feeding Projects (News19)