Food as Medicine Research Guides: Master List

Although the concept of “Food as Medicine” has been around for centuries with Hippocrates often referenced saying “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” the practice has gained significant traction in the fields of nutrition and medicine in the last decade. The thought is that instead of solely relying on medications for treatment, individuals can make food part of the treatment plan, with the ultimate goal of preventing, reducing, or reversing disease through diet.

Navigating the various resources available about the food as medicine movement can be extremely difficult. To help anyone interested in learning more about food as medicine, from healthcare professionals to laypeople, policymakers to patients, the Center for Food as Medicine has compiled Research Guides full of academic studies, news articles, books, and more.

Overview of Food as Medicine

Food as Treatment for Specific Diseases

Policies, Programs, and Practices

History of FAM and Culture-Specific Practices

Challenges to the Food as Medicine Movement

Organizations and Individuals Advancing FAM

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